How Much Electricity Does a Portable Ice Maker Use?

To determine the suitability of a portable ice maker, knowing how much it will cost to run it is crucial. Electricity consumption is top on the list.

A portable ice maker uses 150 to 300 watts. This range is much lower than freezers and commercial ice makers.

The electricity consumption depends on the model and size of the machine. To calculate how much it costs to run your ice machine, you’ll need the following information.

  • Machine wattage
  • Electricity cost in your area
  • Hours used per day

The wattage of the ice maker is available in the product manual.  The cost of electricity varies, find the cost in your area. A typical rate in the United States is $0.12 per kWh.

The final step is to determine how many hours a day you run the ice maker machine. Use a timer to have a good estimate.

My Frigidaire Ice Maker has a wattage of 200, the electricity cost is $0.12 per kWh and I use my machine 2 hours a day.

My electricity cost is (200 X 0.12 x 2)/1000 = $0.048 per day.

This translates to $1.461 per month and $17.532 per year.

Get the exact figure depending on the number of hours and days you use your ice maker machine in a month.

There are numerous calculators online that can help make the calculation. Just input the figures and you’ll have your numbers.

Is It Cheaper to Make Ice or Buy Ice?

You can get ice by buying or making it. There are several ways to make ice at home. The two common are using ice trays and an ice maker.

It’s cheaper to make ice rather than buy it if you’re a large user of ice. For sporadic users, buying is cheaper and more convenient.

The cost of normal ice ranges between $0.12 to $0.4 per pound bag. Dry ice is more expensive as the price ranges between a dollar and $3 per pound.

Compare the cost depending on your monthly needs. Also, a portable ice machine comes with additional responsibilities such as cleaning and other maintenance practices.

There’s a sense of comfort in knowing that I can make ice when I need it. Moreover, an ice maker allows you to make as much as you need and store it in the freezer.

An advantage of buying ice is that you have the flexibility to buy different types. You can get a variety of options such as cubes, dry ice, flakes, crushed, etc.

With an ice maker, you’re limited to the specific type that the machine makes. All you can adjust is the size.

Read: How Long Does It Take to Make Ice in Portable Ice Maker?

Tips to Save Money with Your Portable Ice Maker

When making ice using a countertop ice maker, there are steps you can take to save your costs. They might seem obvious but go a long way.

They include:

Be Mindful of the Ice Maker Machine Environment

The environment where you’re making ice greatly affects its efficiency. The ice maker machine should be on dry level ground that is well-ventilated.

Clearance around the machine should be a minimum of 8 inches. This will give the fans adequate space to circulate air in the machine.

The temperature of the room should also be optimal. A high-temperature room will make the ice maker have to work harder in producing ice.

Avoid spots that are direct to sunlight or a heat source. If outside, find a shaded area. A high-temperature environment also speeds up the rate of melting.

You’ll have a lot more water moving back to the reservoir from the ice basket.

Use Cold Water

The temperature of water you use also affects the ice-making process.

Do not only check on the water purity. Using cold water will reduce the time it takes the evaporator rods to freeze the water to ice.

Read: Can I Use Distilled Water in My Portable Ice Maker?

Clean the Machine Regularly

With continuous use, the ice maker gets clogged due to dirt and mineral deposits. Cleaning the machine regularly will free up the machine to make ice faster.

The faster the process, the lower the cost of electricity. Cleaning clears the water line and the water can swiftly move through when pumping from the reservoir.

Clear the Ice Basket Often

When the ice is moved to the ice basket, remove it from the machine as often as possible. This minimizes the exposure of ice to temperatures that encourage melting.

When the ice melts and the water moves back to the reservoir, the machine will have to pump back the water to make ice.

Even though it’s a recycling process, the machine has done twice the work when it should have made different batches of ice.

You’ll also reduce any incidence of contamination that can harm you.


A portable ice maker is a compact and efficient kitchen appliance that allows the convenient making of ice fast.

It is a machine that consumes 150 to 300 watts of electricity. The cost of operating the machine can be easily calculated depending on the machine model and daily usage.

It may be cheaper to buy ice from a store if you’re not a regular consumer. There are ways to reduce the electricity costs if using a portable ice maker.

The important thing is to run the machine in a cool environment, use cold water and maintain it as needed to guarantee efficiency.  

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