Can I Use Distilled Water in My Portable Ice Maker?

Water is the main ingredient when working with a countertop ice maker. Is there a specific type that you’re supposed to use? Does the water type affect the outcome?

Yes, you can use distilled water in a portable ice maker. Distilled water is among the best types to use. It is pure and doesn’t contain impurities that affect the ice or deposit minerals that may eventually clog the machine.

The only challenge with using distilled water is with the sensors. Remember, ice machines have a sensor that detects the presence of water.

The sensors use electric current. For easy detection, the presence of minerals is crucial. The challenge with distilled water is the absence of minerals, which makes it difficult to detect.

A simple way to overcome this challenge, if it occurs is to add a pinch of salt. In addition, salt will help to prolong the shelf life of the ice as it reduces the melting point.

If you prefer not to use salt, another great hack is to mix distilled water with tap water.

Can You Use Tap Water in A Countertop Ice Maker?

The water used in a countertop ice maker can vary. The only requirement is that it is potable.

Therefore, yes, you can use tap water in your portable ice maker machine to make ice. The hardness level of the tap water should be below 60mg/L, which is classified as soft.

 Water with hardness levels greater than 60mg/L will result in the depositing of minerals. Deposits of calcium and magnesium may clog the machine reducing its efficiency with time.

This is not to say you can’t use hard water. Maintenance of the machine will be higher as you’ll need to regularly clean the ice maker components.

Moreover, hard water takes longer to freeze, and the machine ends up taking longer. The power consumption will be higher.

Also, the machine tends to overwork, wearing it down faster. Consider using a water filter if you only have access to hard water.

filling glass wit water from a tap

Water filters not only remove the minerals but also enhance the taste of ice. Some people opt to use water softeners but they are less effective in removing minerals.

Why Is My Ice White Instead of Clear?

You’ll often find that when you freeze clean portable water, you sometimes end up with cloudy ice. You’d think that clear water gives clear ice, right?

There are three may reasons why your ice is white or cloudy instead of clear. One, the water used in making the ice contains minerals. Two, there are air bubbles trapped in the ice or there are cracks in the ice due to fast freezing.

To control either of the three causes, you need to control the ice-making process.

The quality of water is paramount irrespective of which method you’re using to make the ice. Utilize distilled, reverse osmosis, purified, or filtered water to guarantee clear ice.

The minerals in tap or city water are not harmful to the body. However, during freezing, the minerals are pushed outwards and collect to form a cloudy appearance.

The impurities tend to also alter the taste of ice. To minimize air bubbles and cracks in the ice, the key is to reduce the speed of freezing water into ice.

If using a portable ice maker, select large ice cube size production that takes longer.

Read: How Long Does It Take to Make Ice in Portable Ice Maker?

Can I Put Coke in An Ice Maker?    

No, it is not advisable to put coke in an ice maker to make ice. Coke has a high concentration. This will block the pump, reducing its effectiveness and overall durability of the ice maker.

 An ice maker machine is designed to work with water only. Using coke will interfere with the mechanism of the machine.  

If you’re looking to make cubes from coke, utilize ice trays. Pour the coke onto the tray and refrigerate or freeze.

This method is safer. You’ll prevent any damage to the ice maker machine as it won’t be exposed to sugars, flavorings, and acids that ruin it.

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Can I Put Milk in An Ice Maker?

No, do not put milk in an ice maker. Like coke, milk also has a high concentration. Furthermore, milk contains protein that may calcify.

The resulting deposit may react with the plastic in the piping of the machine. If this happens, the water pipe breaks, making it difficult for the ice maker to continue functioning.

Check out: What To Look for When Buying a Portable Ice Maker

Can I Put Juice in My Ice Maker?

No, do not add juice to an ice maker. The ingredients in the juice will disrupt the machine. Substances in the juice will clog the components.

They would also give the machine a harder time when pumping the mixture and freezing. In the end, you’ll end up with a mess.

It’s also a lot of work to clean the machine to eliminate any deposits left behind by the attempt.

Read: How Often Should You Clean Your Portable Ice Maker?


Ice maker machines give you the flexibility to use different water types to make ice. The only requirement is to ensure the water is potable.

It is safe to use distilled or tap water in the ice maker. Distilled, purified or filtered water is more likely to give the best results with regard to the taste and appearance of ice.

A challenge with distilled water is the lack of detection when in the reservoir of some portable ice maker machines.

Ice comes out white or cloudy as a result of minerals or air bubbles in the water. Check on the water use and slow down the speed of freezing to control the appearance of ice.

It’s not recommended to add any other liquids apart from water to the ice maker machine.

A majority of the liquids have a high concentration of substances that may block and break the machine components.

Find out Why Does Your Homemade Ice Melt So Quickly?


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