Why Does My Dishwasher Make a Loud Noise?

Although dishwashers are an essential appliance, you might be not so lucky and have had a negative experience with noise.

A dishwasher makes a loud noise because of the water spraying around, the motor running, and the mechanical parts moving.

The noise you hear will depend on what is happening inside your machine.

Dishwashers are noisy machines.

This is because they use water and a motor to make the dishes clean, which includes scrubbing them with a dish brush before running through hot tap water for several minutes.

In addition, there may be other sounds such as pipes that run underneath or in front of your dishwasher. (especially if you have a dishwasher in a cabinet) or the sound of water escaping.

In this blog post, we are going to talk about types of noises and the reasons why you might be hearing them from your dishwasher.

Types of Noises from a Dishwasher and What They Mean

A man covering his ears due to noise

There are two different sounds you might hear when running your dishwasher.

One is a hissing or rattling sound, which usually means there are items trapped in your dishwasher pipes that need to be removed.

If this persists for more than an hour after turning the machine off and draining it, contact someone who can take care of the problem as soon as possible.

The other noise you may hear could be caused by items in your dishwasher that are not secured or clanging against the door, which can be caused by a build-up of dishes.

To prevent this from happening, make sure to load the dishwasher with care and ensure there is enough room for all of the plates and bowls.

If you hear any other unusual sounds coming from your dishwasher while it’s running, stop the machine and investigate. Other common noises include;


If you hear a squeaky sound, it might be because your dishwasher door is not closing properly.

A high-pitched squeaky sound could be an issue with the pump.

There might be something stuck on the drain or recirculation pump or the impellers and valves are worn out.

If there’s nothing there, you may need to replace it.

If you haven’t used your dishwasher in a long time, a squealing sound is a result of insufficient water flowing through the inlet.

Check the entire dishwasher parts and lubricate the seals before running again.

Banging or Thumping

A loud banging noise could mean that the filter under the sink needs to be cleaned out or replaced.

A banging sound may also indicate that sections of the dishwasher are rubbing against the dishes.

The spray arm rotates while they push water through. Ensure that your dishes are well-placed to minimize the collision.

Bang wording


If your machine is making an unusual clicking sound while in cycle mode, it might be time to adjust the lower rack height or replace worn parts such as the wheels on the racks.

You may also want to confirm that nothing is stuck in the pump area.


A grinding or crunching noise means that one of the parts has broken, most specifically the drive belt. The machine might need repair work done.

There might also be an issue with the chopper blade area. The noise may be a result of the blade trying to cut through stuck material debris.


A hissing sound is a telltale sign of an issue with your water supply.


A high vibrating sound is usually due to a dirty filter.


A humming noise means that your dishwasher is running normally and there’s nothing to worry about.

It’s common from the motor or the fan during the drying cycle of the dishwasher.

If it was making an electric buzzing sound, this would be a sign that it needs to be repaired.

Sound coming from an appliance

Gurgling or Whirring Noises

This indicates that your pump may need to be replaced or other parts of the machine may need attention.

If these sounds come from a metal dishwasher, you may need to tighten the bolts.

If you hear the machine running but not producing any noise, it could be because there’s an issue with your power supply or circuit breaker.

A squeaking, squealing, humming noise usually indicates a clogged drain which will need to be cleared in order for your dishwasher to run properly again.

In some cases, you may hear a strange rattling sound coming from your dishwasher.

This could be caused by debris caught in the drain trap, or it may indicate a problem with the drive belt.

If water is dripping at a constant rate for more than an hour after you turn off your dishwasher and this sound remains unchecked, call for service as soon as possible.

A snapping or popping sound coming from the dishwasher could indicate an electrical issue. If this occurs, please contact a professional

A rattling or clattering noise can also be due to lose parts inside your dishwasher that have come lose and need to be secured back into place manually

It’s important to understand the different noises from your machine so you can determine what might need fixing and take appropriate action as soon as possible!

Also check out: Why Does My Dishwasher Smell?

How Do You Fix a Noisy Dishwasher?

Once you identify the cause of the noise, it’s time to handle it.

Most of the issues you can handle yourself.

The repair and replacement of delicate parts might require the services of a professional in the industry.

It’s good to mention that not all noises from the dishwasher indicate a problem.

For example, the sound of water running through the pipes, beeping after a cycle, or water hitting the dishes when cleaning.

Watch the video below to learn how to fix common dishwasher noises.


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